Withdrawal from Classes

Withdrawl from ClassesReturn to Title IV Policy for Financial Aid

尽管经济援助在每学期开始时支付给学生的账户, the student earns the financial aid as the student completes the payment period. If a student withdraws during his or her period of enrollment, 学生在此之前获得的第四章经济援助金额由一个特定的公式决定. 以下解释了当学生退学时,第四章经济援助的处理方法.

MCCC Institutional Refund Policy

Students who withdraw from all classes during the term, depending upon when the withdrawal occurs, may be refunded all or a portion of their tuition and fee charges. Monroe County Community College publishes the dates for the 100% tuition refund period and 50% tuition refund period for each semester of the academic year on the MCCC website: 

Academic Calendar

Additionally, Policy 3.05 (Tuition and Fees Policy) provides students with a detailed explanation of the standardized policy established by the College for refunds of tuition and fees.  All MCCC policies and procedures are available on the MCCC website:


Please note that MCCC’s institutional refund policy is a separate policy from the regulations that the Financial Aid Office must abide by when determining the amount of Title IV financial aid a student has earned. 强烈建议接受经济援助的学生在退学之前咨询经济援助办公室.

MCCC’s tuition and fee refund policy is separate from the process MCCC’s Financial Aid Office must follow for determining a student’s financial aid eligibility when a student “officially” or “unofficially” withdraws from classes. 该法律规定,如果学生退学,MCCC必须如何处理学生获得的第四章项目援助金额. When a student withdraws from classes, if the student is a financial aid recipient, Monroe County Community College, as well as the student, may be required to return to the federal government all or a portion of the financial aid that had been disbursed and/or applied to the student’s account.

“正式”退学是指学生在某一学期正式退课.  这通常是通过学生使用myWebPal或向注册办公室提交签名的退学表来完成的.  An “unofficial” withdrawal is when a student is enrolled in at least one class, for a given term, which they do not formally drop (as indicated in the previous two sentences) and the student does not successfully complete any of the classes in which they are enrolled for that term with a grade of “A, B, C, D, H, or P”. When a student unofficially withdraws from classes, the Financial Aid Office will follow-up with the student’s instructor for each class to determine the last date in which the student participated in each class.

If the student withdraws from school, “officially” or “unofficially,在学期结束之前,该学生是第四章经济援助资金的接受者, Federal Return to Title IV Regulations require the Financial Aid Office to calculate both the amount of earned and unearned aid for the period of withdrawal.  如果学生只上了一部分课,就得到了比他们“应得”的更多的帮助, the excess funds must be returned by the college and/or the student to the federal government.

The federal formula requires a return of Title IV financial aid if the student received Federal financial aid assistance in the form of a Pell Grant, Iraq and Afghanistan Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Stafford Direct Loans or Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students, and the student withdrew before completing more than 60% of the enrollment period.  To determine the amount of aid the student has earned up to the time of withdrawal, 将学生上课的日历天数除以注册期间的日历天数. Scheduled breaks of 5 days or more are excluded.  The percentage derived is then multiplied by the total federal funds that were disbursed (applied to the student’s account and/or refunded) or that could have been disbursed for the enrollment period.  这一计算决定了学生可以保留的助学金金额.  The unearned amount (total aid disbursed or that could have been disbursed less the earned amount) must be returned to the federal government by MCCC or the student.  The unearned aid must be returned in the following order:

Unsubsidized Stafford Direct Loan 
Subsidized Stafford Direct Loan 
Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students 
Pell Grants
Iraq and Afghanistan Grant
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
Other Federal assistance

If a student did not initially receive all of the funds he or she earned, the student may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement.  If the student’s post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, the school must get the student’s permission before the funds can be disbursed.  学生可以选择拒绝部分或全部贷款资金,这样学生就不会招致额外的债务. MCCC可能会自动使用学生的全部或部分助学金资金来支付未支付的学费和杂费. 中冶需要学生的许可才能使用助学金支付任何其他费用.

Additionally, 有一些第四章的资金,学生可能已经安排收到,不能支付一旦学生退学, due to other eligibility requirements. For example, if a student is a first-time, 本科一年级学生,在退学前未完成课程的前30天, the student is not eligible to receive any Direct Loan funds at that point.

一旦确定了获得和非获得的第四章财政援助资金, the Financial Aid Office will notify withdrawn students of their eligibility.

  • 超出资格支付的贷款资金将根据本票所列的条款和条件偿还/到期.  Most Direct Loan borrowers will enter repayment 6 months after withdrawal, 除非他们在6个月的宽限期结束前重新注册.

If for some reason outside of the student’s control, the student is unable to remain enrolled and in attendance, the student should seek the advice of the Financial Aid Office BEFORE withdrawing or stopping attendance in class to find out how this will affect their financial aid package.

In accordance with R2T4 regulations, 对于正式退学的学生,MCCC在学生最后一次出勤日期的30天内处理R2T4计算, 并在确定非正式退出付款期的学生后30天内.  MCCC is required to return the unearned portion of the student’s Title IV aid to the Federal government within 45 days of identifying that the student officially or unofficially withdrew from MCCC.

MCCC must comply with Federal regulations governing the Return to Title IV (Federal) Aid Policy with regard to students who enrolled in “modular” classes during a specific payment period (e.g. – Fall, Winter, or Summer).  The U.S. Department of Education’s definition of modules is “a course or courses in the program that do not span the entire length of the payment period or period of enrollment” (34 CFF 668.22(1)).  关于模块化课程R2T4的新规定将于2021年7月1日生效.S Department of Education allows for early implementation of these regulations. MCCC has opted for early implementation of the new R2T4 regulations, with an effective date of May 10, 2021.

All of MCCC degree and certificate programs are standard term programs. Students in standard term programs are considered withdrawn if they are not scheduled to begin another course within the payment period for more than 45 calendar days after the end of the module the student ceased attending, unless the student is on an approved leave of absence. 只有当学生在同一支付期限内注册一个班级时,才能避免这种计算, 在学生停止参加的模块结束后不迟于45个日历日开始, and the student provides written notification to the Financial Aid Office of their intention to remain enrolled in that class and to attend that class.

Withdrawal Exemptions for All Programs:

A student who completes all the requirements for graduation from his or her program before completing the days or hours in the payment period that he or she was scheduled to complete is not considered to have withdrawn. This applies to all programs (with or without modules).

Withdrawal Exemptions for Modules:

For students enrolled in modular classes, 必须审查提款豁免,以确定是否需要进行R2T4计算. The withdrawal exemptions are as follows:

A student is not considered withdrawn if the student successfully completes:

  • 在学生计划完成的几天或几个小时之前完成他们的课程的所有要求.
  • 一个模块,包括49%(不允许四舍五入)或更多的天数在付款期间, 不包括连续五天或五天以上的计划休息时间以及模块之间的所有时间. (Note: The 49% is based on the number of days in the overall payment period, not 49% of the modules the student was enrolled in for a particular payment period.  Successful completion means earning a passing grade.)
  • 包含49%(不允许四舍五入)或更多付款天数的模块组合, 不包括连续五天或五天以上的计划休息时间以及模块之间的所有时间. (Note: The 49% is based on the number of days in the overall payment period, not 49% of the modules the student was enrolled in for a particular payment period.  Successful completion means earning a passing grade.)
  • 成功完成的课程等于或大于学校对半日制学生的定义所要求的课程, which is 6 credit hours at MCCC. (Note: Successful completion means earning a passing grade.)

The requirements for a withdrawal exemption (49%, ½ time completion, etc.) are used solely to determine if a student is considered withdrawn for R2T4 purposes. If a student does not meet the withdrawal exemptions and is considered withdrawn, all normal R2T4 requirements apply:

  • Completion beyond 60% point
  • Post-withdrawal disbursements
  • Disbursed and could have been disbursed Title IV funds, etc.

If a student does not meet the new withdrawal exemptions, but completes all coursework scheduled to attend (even if only one module), no R2T4 is required since student was only scheduled to attend those modules/days.

Scheduled Days in Modules

For programs measured in credit hours, a student in a program offered in modules is scheduled to complete the days in a module if the student’s coursework in that module was used to determine the amount of the student’s eligibility for Title IV funds for the payment period.

A school includes the days in a module in the denominator of the R2T4 calculation if:

  • The student attended at least one day in the module; or
  • The student did not attend at least one day in the module, 但该模块被纳入了该机构对学生第四章资格的确定

MCCC does not use an R2T4 freeze date.  MCCC monitors the student’s enrollment status throughout the period (no R2T4 Freeze Date) and as fluctuations occur the number of days in the denominator in the R2T4 calculation may change.


财政援助办公室使用同事系统来处理所有标题IV的返回计算. Note: MCCC is not required to take attendance by an outside agency.       

Determining the date of withdrawal:

  • Official Withdrawals经济援助办公室使用学生提交给注册办公室的正式签署的退学表中的退学日期, or the date the student dropped classes on myWebPAL. In the event that the student withdrew from courses on different dates, the latest course withdrawal date is used in the R2T4 calculation.
  • Unofficial Withdrawals:教师在给出E级时,必须进入出席/参与的最后一天, F, and U. When the Financial Aid Office identifies students who have unofficially withdrawn, R2T4计算中使用的是学院报告的出勤天数的最后一天. In the event that the student unofficially withdrew from courses on different dates, R2T4计算中使用学院报告的最晚退课日期.

In accordance with R2T4 regulations, 对于正式退课的学生,MCCC会在学生最后一次出勤日期的30天内在同事中处理R2T4的计算, 并在确定非正式退出付款期的学生后30天内. In accordance with R2T4 regulations, MCCC在45天内将学院负责的不劳而获的助学金退还给相应的联邦援助计划。. 

  • For students who failed to attend classes beyond the 60% period, MCCC被要求将未获得的联邦财政援助退款给相应的第四章项目。.  
  • 学生参加的学期超过60%的期限,并充分获得联邦财政援助, MCCC is not required to issue a refund to the federal government.      

The Financial Aid Office notifies students who completed 60% or less of the semester that their financial aid has been reduced due to the R2T4 calculation by sending the student a letter (which explains what an R2T4 calculation is and why it was processed), as well as an updated account statement.  The account statement shows the student their charges for the semester, as well as the financial aid payments/adjustments that have been made.  If the R2T4 created an outstanding balance that the student owes MCCC, that balance is reflected on the account statement that the student receives.

In accordance with R2T4 regulations, MCCC notifies/offers the student of any Post-withdrawal disbursement of grant and/or loan funds within 30 days of  MCCC’s determination that the student withdrew.  MCCC notifies the student via a letter that is sent through U.S. postal service.  MCCC will automatically make a Post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds to pay outstanding tuition and fee charges and notifies the student of the activity.  However, the student must actively accept a Post-withdrawal offer for loan funds (or grant funds that would be used to pay any charges other than tuition and fees) in order for MCCC to make the Post-withdrawal disbursement.